2014jun 12

Merger Control Survey

Law 3959/2011 on the Protection of Free Competition (the Law) is the applicable legislation. The existing legal framework is in generaln line with EU law and case law. The merger provisions of the Law generally apply to all market sectors. However, in certain regulated sectors of the economy, (such as media and telecommunications) special legal provisions apply.

2014jun 04

2014 Merger Control Survey

Law 3959/2011 on the Protection of Free Competition (the Law) is the applicable legislation. The existing legal framework is in general in line with EU law and case law. The merger provisions of the Law generally apply to all market sectors. However, in certain regulated sectors of the economy, (such as media and telecommunications) special legal provisions apply.

2014jun 04

The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Aviation Law 2014

The principal legislation which applies to aviation in Greece is the Air Law Code, ratified by Law 1815/1988. The regulatory body which regulates aviation in Greece is the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA), which constitutes a public authority and comes under the Ministry of Transport and Communication, pursuant to section 2 of Law 1340/1983.