Ministerial Decisions on the determination of the minimum wage and on the extension of the imposition of sanctions for the implementation of the digital work card

Ministerial Decisions on the determination of the minimum wage as of 1-4-2024 and on the extension of the imposition of sanctions for the implementation of the digital work card in industry and retail sectors.
On March 29, 2024, the following Ministerial Decisions were published in the Official Journal:
A) The Ministerial Decision No. 25058/29-3-2024 (OJ B/1974/29-3-2024) of the Minister of Labour and Social Security (MD), entitled “Determination of minimum wage and minimum daily wage for employees and blue collar workers of the entire country”.
By this decision, which is valid from today, April 1th, 2024, the following are determined:
- The minimum wage for employees at 830 euros and
- The minimum daily wage for blue collar workers at 37,07 euros.
You can find and download the MD as published in the Official Journal here.
B) The Ministerial Decision No. 24595/28-3-2024 (OJ B/1966/29-3-2024) of the Minister of Labour and Social Security, which, among other things, defines that the administrative sanctions regarding the implementation of the system of digital work card in the industry and retail sectors, are being imposed as of July 1th, 2024.
You can find and download the MD as published in the Official Journal here.