Trying to Speed Up Courts in Greece

A Buzz Interview with Dimitris Emvalomenos of Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners
Dimitris Emvalomenos, Lawyer, LL.M. (QMUL), Accredited Mediator of the Greek Ministry of Justice & the Centre of Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), London, UK, Dep. Managing Partner of Bahas, Gramatidis & Partners (BGP), was recently interviewed by CEE Legal Matters Magazine. He discussed the chronic delays and procedural inefficiencies plaguing Greece’s judicial system and the various efforts to accelerate court proceedings, including the recent reform introduced in May 2024, pointing out ADR – mediation and arbitration as the realistic alternative for disputes resolution. Also, he overviewed sectors of economic importance and /or legislative developments.
You may read the whole interview at CEE Legal Matter’s website here
The interview was first published in CEE Legal Matters website by Andrija Djonovic on 24 June 2024